The Process

At PTI, we make the process simple and straightforward.

We train individual athletes. We train coaches. We train teams at the travel, high school, and collegiate levels. We even perform leadership training.

Coach Joe is available for individual or team mental training. We conduct workshops, clinics and seminars and each is designed with a customized approach to maximize its effectiveness.

understand the concept
focused athlete working out

During the process, Coach Joe takes a collaborative approach with the athlete.


Simple one-page “mindful tests” which enables us to learn what the athlete’s thoughts are in any given situation.


We watch the athlete perform, listening to responses and understanding the manner in which the athlete succeeds truly helps PTI in developing a program for the athlete to excel.


The good Lord gave us two ears and one mouth. We listen to the athlete to fully understand them and connect to them on a cerebral level. If we can communicate effectively to each other and find common ground, this will translate into positive results and performances that we are all proud of in any given situation.

change your mindset

When we change our mindset, EVERYTHING changes.

We look to cultivate a new Mindset and Attitude in the athlete so that they approach life and any given situation with a new approach.

At PTI, Coach Joe emphasizes his basic foundational concept of

"Change Your Vocabulary"

"When I look at nothing I see everything."

– Manny Ramirez